Environment Setup Guide

This document is a guide for setting up an environment to run the ODC - notably by installing Make, Docker, and Docker Compose.


Operating System

First, you will need to ensure you are in an Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04 environment (20.04 recommended).

We encourage Windows 10 users to use [Windows Subsystem for Linux Version 2 (WSL2)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10).

Make, Docker, Docker Compose

Now install Make in your Ubuntu environment: apt-get update && apt-get install make -y

For Windows users, install [Docker for Windows (Docker Desktop)](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/).

For Ubuntu users (not WSL Ubuntu), ensure you are a sudoer (user that can run sudo). Run the sudo-ubuntu-install-docker target in the Makefile in the top-level directory of a repository (e.g. [data_cube_notebooks](https://github.com/ceos-seo/data_cube_notebooks)) to install Docker:

`bash make sudo-ubuntu-install-docker `

After running the above command, logout and login again.

If that Makefile target is not available or it does not install Docker properly (e.g. the test listed below fails or the repository’s environment will not start in Docker), run these commands as a block and then logout and login again.

`bash apt-get update && \ apt install -y docker.io curl && \ curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.27.4 docker-compose-Linux-x86_64" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && \ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && \ systemctl start docker && \ systemctl enable docker && \ # The following steps are for enabling use # of the `docker` command for the current user # without using `sudo` getent group docker || sudo groupadd docker && \ usermod -aG docker ${USER} `


Once Docker is installed, test it with the following command: docker run hello-world

You should see output beginning with Hello from Docker!.